Updated: Jan 13, 2022
It's Friday, and another week in lockdown ticks by.
There's no question that this long spell of minimising activities has been made easier because of my card making community. I have been very fortunate to have a group of people join me on zoom each week, and we've chatted and laughed at everything from the ridiculousness of the world right now to the state of our hair!! There's no doubt that I am inspired by each of you, so thank you!
I've also been very spoiled with a lot of happy mail. Yes. The card makers dream is to receive handmade cards that they didn't make themselves!! Here's my display. You may recognise a card you've made and sent to me. And I'm truly grateful and blessed to have you in my life.
Please share where you get your inspiration from. Leave a comment below, and let's brighten eachother's day.
Here's cheers to seeing you in person in the not too distant future.